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     I am a recent graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (May
     '89) with a B.S. in Computer Science and a minor in Accounting.
     I also do consulting/programming work as a sideline (hint hint.)
     Currently, I'm working full time with Shared Medical Systems (SMS)
     in Malvern, PA. When I purchased Turbo C (way back at version
     1.0), I wanted to do more than bare bones printf(). I was also
     engaged in designing some software requiring the use of dates, and
     some other unusual functions. Thus, after several months of
     testing and use, I developed a rather useful collection of
     functions. After some requests from other programmers, I decided
     to bundle most of them together and <gasp> document them. Since
     then, my library has grown, and so has TCHK. This library is a
     collection of most of these functions.

                          TCHK SETTINGS

     TCHK was compiled from the interactive environment of Turbo C,
     with the following options changed from the default:

          Memory model: SMALL
          Optimize on: SPEED
          Full optimization (Register/Jump)
          No debug information
          Standard stack frame Off

     For more info, check out the configuration file TCHK.TC.

     This library was written in 100% Turbo C, except for a couple of
     TASM modules which were originally inline Assembly. All C code was
     compiled with Turbo C 2.0, all Assembly was compiled with Turbo
     Assembler 1.0 and TCHK was created with TLIB 2.0.

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